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Kids Area
Welcome to Our amazing kids area
With so many cool kids going wild we try and provide loads for them all to do. get rid of the phones and x box, forget tik tok or my little pony!
Kids go wild!
Get creative, make cool things, make dens, fire arrows, make mud baths, learn about bugs and wolves, learn about wild food, learn about the stars and bats! Let nature teach be your playground and classroom.
Meet new friends for life, toast marshmallows around the fire, listen to great music and poetry. Drum, sing, do yoga, Be different.
It's your world, your future, cherish it.
Love nature!
Step into the wild....
Into the Wild Festival 2024
The following workshops/activities will be rolling so you can dip
in and out as you please.
The Albion Pirate Ship – The Albion Kid’s show
Outside in Kid’s area - Running during whole festival
Ages Under 10’s – but only if you dare!
Join the Albion sea-gypsies on a voyage of imagination and creative play. The only ship that travels the magical fields of
England. The Albion sets sail at 9.00am every day. Long live Albion and all that sail with us.
Willow & Tissue Building - Abbie
Rolling workshop in Willow Tent – Running during whole festival
Ages 4 and upwards – No limit
Get messy and using willow, tissue paper and PVA glue to create animal like structures to be painted and paraded
around the site for all to enjoy in the children’s parade on the Sunday. Drop in anytime for these sessions.
Huge spiders web - LYT
Rolling activity outside in Kid’s area – Running during whole festival
All ages – No limit
Decorate the spider web with fabric strips (string up a huge web on the outside of the children’s activity marquee). Let’s
see how big we can make the web and see if you can attract a huge willow spider home.
The Wishing Tree – LYT
Rolling activity outside in Kid’s area – Running during whole festival.
All ages – No limit
Create your positive wishes and attach them to the tree. Into the Wild is so magical they just may come true.
Tepee reading area – Anita
Rolling activity outside in front of Fairy Tent – Running during whole festival.
For the little ones…
Little ones nestle into the tepee reading area and explore the magic of picture books and how they can transport you
into magical worlds. If you can find Anita then she will be more than happy to read you a story!
Loom Magic – Betty & Peggy
Rolling activity outside in Kid’s area – Running during whole festival.
Aged 5 & upwards
Drop in with Betty and create beautiful weave patters on a loom. Use wool and fabrics to weave a magical Into the Wild
tapestry, full of colour and expression.
The Sewing Tables – D.I.Y. Craftivists
Rolling activity outside in Kid’s area – Running during whole festival.
Aged 5 & upwards
Sew your imagination into the hessian tables – ready for the kids parade on Sunday***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
The Wonderweeds - Claire
Rolling activity in Wonderweeds Tent – Running during whole festival.
For ages 4-8 years old (and their grown-ups). – Approx 10x each session.
The Wonderweeds tent will be home to readings,
demonstrations, activities and other weedy fun throughout the festival.
“Wonderweeds are the friends we need”.
(See blackboard outside the Wonderweeds tent for more info).
Blue Moon Circus - Kellie & Team
Rolling activity outside in Kid’s area – Running 10.30am-4.30pm
Sign up at 10am Saturday and Sunday. MUST BE AGE 7+ (ADULTS ENCOURAGED)
Always wanted to run away with the circus? Well now’s your chance... Come and have a go at being an aerialist. With
experienced aerialists from Blue Moon Circus, they will teach you on the silks, in small groups.
Get a taste of the circus!
• East Sussex School of Circus Arts – Renato & Team
Renato Pires and his amazing team at ESSCA
will bring their special circus skills with anyone
who would like to learn, from Juggling,
Manipulation and Balancing,
suitable for all ages.
They are with us on the
Saturday & Sunday.
Comeand join the incredible
School of Circus Arts!
SHOWS - 5pm Saturday / 1pm Sunday – DON’T MISS!!!
• Make sure you go to sea on the Albion Pirate Ship sailing at all times from 9am-6pm
• Get that Arial thrill with Kelly and her team at Blue Moon Circus. Make sure
you sign up early to avoid disappointment.
• “D.I.Y. Kids Arts & Craftivism” team delivering and number of our workshops this year
• Iggi and her temporary tattoo parlour.
• Perry and his smoothie making bicycle.
• Jimi and the big play games.
• Anita’s Storytime.
• Lana Banana and her rainbow music with lots of bubbles!
• Ellie and Rosie’s Madness and Mysteries’ original storytelling singalong!
This kid’s area is the creation of:***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Saturday 24th August
9.00am – 10.30am
Fun with Play Dough & Puppet Show - Luna
9.00am-10.30am in the Messy Tent
Up to 5 years – Max 20x
Young ones have fun with play dough, playing with homemade dough and making creations of all shapes and
sizes, recipe provided … just play away … and watch out for the puppets
Willow Star Wandmaking in the Messy Tent
9.00am-10.30am in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 20x
Your chance to make and decorate a willow star magic wand. Bring yourself and your child to weave a star
from willow. There will be an option to add some decorations to your willow star which you can take away.
Warrior & Super Power Yoga – Claudia
9.00am-10.30am in the Story Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 20x
Imagination meditation to connect heart and mind, Yogi breath, breaths for Super brain health, Breath of Fire,
Breath of Light and Warrior Breaths. Then a Powerful and energetic Warrior Flow and ecstatic dance. Mirror
the journey of life through the 7 colours of the rainbow …
Candle Decoration – Liz
9.00am-10.30am in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Turn a plain white candle into a multi coloured candle for a special celebration using pieces of coloured wax
Wonderweeds - Claire
9.00am-9.45am in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Rise and shine with Dandelion Coffee and biscuits. Come and meet The Wonderweeds!
Drop in and chat. Learn about the wonders that are weeds.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
10.30am – 12.00pm
Blue Moon Circus - Kellie & Team
Rolling activity outside in kid’s area –
Running 10.30am-4.30pm
Sign up at 10am Saturday and Sunday.
Come and have a go at being an aerialist. With experienced aerialists from Blue Moon Circus, they will teach you on the
silks, in small groups. Get a taste of the circus!
Dreamcatchers – D.I.Y. Kids
10.30am-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Come and learn the art of weaving a dream catcher,
a Native American tradition to let the good dreams shine
Printing Tote Bags – D.I.Y. Kids
10.30am-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
You are invited to design and create your own individual tote bag with experimental printing.
Wild In the Woods Woodland Escapade! - Laura and Indy
10.30am-12.00pm – meet in Kid’s Area at Meeting Point – walk to woods / Messy Tent
Age 6–12 - Max 20x (Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
Join us in the woods for some simple whittling around the fire, fire lighting, wild cooking, some natural crafting
and maybe even a game!
Morning Mandala creation -
Mindful Active Meditation –
Zlatuse Goldy
10.30am-12.00pm –
meet in Kid’s Area at Meeting Point – walk to woods / Outside
All ages welcome - Max 20x
(Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
You are warmly invited to start your day
with building a mandala, sacred circle, guided active mindful
meditation with shamanic drumming and a sound bath – all in the beautiful woods.
Wonderweeds - Claire
10.30am-11.15am in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Rise and shine with Dandelion Coffee and biscuits.
Come and meet The Wonderweeds!
Drop in and chat!
Learn about the wonders that are weeds.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
12.00pm – 1.30pm
Musicadoo - The Music Journey – Alex
12.00pm-1.30pm - Story Tent / Outside
All ages – Max 30+
Music is our universal language;
through music all beings are able
to communicate from different countries
and cultures, and can be a powerful tool
for promoting peace and unity!
Every culture, tribe & community has
different types of instruments and ancient musical
traditions. With the musical train, children will discover the
instruments of the world travelling on a world map,
merging music with geography and history.
Clay face woodland spirits – D.I.Y. Kids
12.00pm-1.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Create your own woodland spirt using the
natural flora and fauna and a sprinkle of green magic.
Lavender sleep potion bags – D.I.Y. Kids
12.00pm-1.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Make a little lavender cloud to pop under your pillow f
or sweet dreams.
Making an Apple bird feeder - Liz
12pm-1.30pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
The birds will love pecking the seeds that you
stick into the apple and make into a hanging bird feeder.
LanaLand with Lana Banana
12pm-1.30pm in the Story Tent
Under 5s and your families – Max 25+
Don’t miss this chance to join Lana Banana
for some live music with shakers, rainbows, parachute, all your
favourite songs performed on the ukulele … and lots of bubbles!
We sing, we dance, we laugh, we play, we bring joy to the world together!
1.30pm – 3.00pm
Plaster Impressions – Rose
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
All ages (under 8 need to be accompanied by an adult) – Max 16x
Enjoy an intriguing process of casting in plaster: capturing textures and impression of shells and leaves etc...
Resulting in everyone having their own beautiful plaster plaque or little frame to take home.
East Sussex School of Circus Arts – Renato & Team
1.30pm-4.30pm – under parachute and outside.
All ages – Max 30+
Renato Pires and his amazing team at ESSCA will bring the special circus skills with anyone who would
like to learn, from Juggling, Manipulation and Balancing, suitable for all ages.
Come and join the incredible East Sussex School of Circus Arts!
SHOWS - 5pm Saturday / 1pm Sunday – DON’T MISS!!!***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Smudge sticks and clay smudge dish – D.I.Y. Kids
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Learn how to create a cleansing bundle of nature’s creativity and a clay smudge dish.
Wood block printing – D.I.Y. Kids
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
All ages – Max 20+
Block printing using Indian wood blocks to create patterns onto organic handmade paper to create a mini
paper wall hanging.
Celtic storytelling - Ellie and Rosie
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Story Tent
Ages: 4-12 (adults welcome)
Madness and Mysteries’ presents an original storytelling and singalong performance inspired by our Celtic
roots. Welcoming young and old, bring your silliest self and immerse yourself into action packed adventure,
music, stories and magic.
Wonderweeds – Claire
1.30am-2.15am in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Afternoon Nettle tea and cake with The Wonderweeds
Drop in and chat
Learn about the wonders that are weeds!
3.00pm – 4.30pm
East Sussex School of Circus Arts – Renato & Team
1.30pm-4.30pm – under parachute and outside.
All ages – Max 30+
Renato Pires and his amazing team at ESSCA continue with special circus skills for anyone who would
like to learn, from Juggling, Manipulation and Balancing, suitable for all ages.
Come and join the incredible East Sussex School of Circus Arts!
SHOWS – 5pm Saturday / 1pm Sunday – DON’T MISS!!!
Herts Smiling Drum Circle – Abdul
3.00pm-4.30pm – outside or in Story Tent
All welcome – Max 30+
Join Herts African Drum Circle at the kid’s area for a heartbeat of energetic drumming, chanting & dancing.
Light instruments, dancing bodies, voices – all welcome. Let Abdul infect you with his smile.
Moon Face Pendants
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
Create your own magical moon face pendant charm necklace.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Runic Workshop – D.I.Y. Kids
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
All ages – Max 20+
A unique opportunity to create an old Norse runic charm.
Sew-Fabulous - Susie
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 7 upwards – Max 15x – Must be accompanied by an adult.
Join Sew Fabulous for an up-cycled fox mask making workshop
Use your imagination, some cardboard and a glue gun to construct a mask and then have fun decorating and
embellishing with a range of textile off-cut and fabric scraps.
All children must be accompanied by a helpful adult for the duration of the workshop.
Please wear old clothes as we will be using PVA glue.
Ukulele Workshop – Carla
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Fairy Tent
Age 5 Upwards – Max 10x
Learn the Ukulele! This workshop will consist of rhythmic and vocal warm-ups, learning basic chords,
strumming techniques, learning lyrics, and putting it all together to play a song.
Belly Dancing - Lucy
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Fairy Tent
Age 7 Upwards – Max 20x
Transport yourself to Egypt with Lucy and learn beginners belly dance moves, embracing the fun and beautiful
dance of Raqs Sharqi. There will be lots of fun music and many wiggles to be had.
Wonderweeds – Claire
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Weeds are Amazing!
Drop in for a weed inspired craft session!
4.30pm – 6.00pm
Herbal nature bath soaks – D.I.Y. Kids
4.30pm-6.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 Upwards – Max 20+
A little bit of this and a little bit of that, infuse lavender and chamomile to create a natural bath soak.
Colour Chakra Rave & Soundbath - Alex from Living Balance
4.30pm-6.00pm - outside or in Story Tent
Age 4 upwards - Max 20+ (with parental supervision)
Immerse yourself in a sensory journey at our Colour Chakra Rave and Soundbath.
Dance in synchronicity with the energy of the seven chakras, each represented by distinct colours igniting a
symphony of movement and healing.
Prepare to be sprayed with bright and beautiful coloured powders as you dance.
Then surrender to the ethereal sounds of crystal singing bowls and gongs, guiding you through a restorative
and relaxation soundbath.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Weaving Gods Eyes – Liz
4.30pm-6.00pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Weave and weave away with wool on two sticks to make a beautiful hanging decoration
Kids Storytime - Anita
4.30pm-6.00pm in the Fairy Tent
All ages – especially the young ones – Max x20+
Getting tired? Join children's author and teacher, Anita Kate Garai for some storytime. Lie back and let Anita
read you some of your favourite stories – maybe even one of her own – or Claire’s from the Wonderweeds.
Morning Mandala Destruction - Mindful Active Meditation - Zlatuse
4.30pm-5.30pm in the wood
All ages welcome Max 20x (Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
Coming to the full circle of life, we destroy the final mandala from the morning with the message that nothing
is permanent and everything is changing constantly.
Guided active meditation with shamanic drumming and a sound bath.
5.00pm – outside under the parachute
All ages
Roll up, roll up – Renato and his team create a special performance in the Kids area. Be
amazed at this award-winning venture and be prepared to be dazzled and delighted at this
spectacle – ESSCA is the only place in the country to be able to get qualified in circus arts.
This kid’s area is the creation of:***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on
Into the Wild Festival 2024
Kid’s Area Workshop Programme
Sunday 25th August
9.00am – 10.30am
Puppet/doll making and story telling - Luna
9.00am-10.30am in the Messy Tent
Ages 5-16 (Can be younger if supervised) – Max 25x
Making dolls/puppets from recycled materials such as wooden café spoons, wooden sticks, fabric etc. and
then the children have an opportunity to do some interactive story telling together with their dolls and
Warrior & Super Power Yoga – Claudia
9.00am-10.30am in the Story Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 20x
Last. Chance for Imagination meditation to connect heart and mind, Yogi breath, breaths for Super brain
health, Breath of Fire, Breath of Light and Warrior Breaths. Then a Powerful and energetic Warrior Flow and
ecstatic dance. Mirror the journey of life through the 7 colours of the rainbow …
Morning Mandala creation - Mindful Active Meditation – Zlatuse Goldy
9.00am-10/30am – meet in Kid’s Area at Meeting Point – walk to woods / Outside
All ages welcome - Max 20x (Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
You are warmly invited once again to start your day with building a mandala, sacred circle, guided active
mindful meditation with shamanic drumming and a sound bath – all in the beautiful woods.
East Sussex School of Circus Arts – Renato & Team
9.00am-10.30am – under parachute and outside.
All ages – Max 30+
Another chance to meet Renato Pires and his amazing team at ESSCA to begin or continue with special circus
skills for anyone who would like to learn, from Juggling, Manipulation and Balancing, suitable for all ages.
Come and join the incredible East Sussex School of Circus Arts!
SHOWS – 5pm Saturday / 1pm Sunday – DON’T MISS!!!***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Making Jar Lanterns – Liz
9.00am-10.30am in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Sticking coloured tissue paper on jars to make a beautiful lantern with a tealight.
Wonderweeds - Claire
9.00am-9.45am in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Rise and shine once again with Dandelion Coffee and biscuits. Come and meet The Wonderweeds!
Drop in and chat. Learn about the wonders that are weeds.
10.30am – 12.00pm
Blue Moon Circus - Kellie & Team
Rolling activity outside in kid’s area – Running 10.30am-4.30pm
Sign up at 10am Saturday and Sunday. MUST BE AGE 7+ (ADULTS ENCOURAGED)
Come and have a go or another go at being an aerialist. With experienced aerialists from Blue Moon Circus, they will
teach you on the silks, in small groups. Get a taste of the circus! Be hungry!
Willow Star Wandmaking in the Messy Tent
10.30am-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 20x
Last chance to make and decorate a willow star magic wand. Bring yourself and your child to weave a star from
willow. There will be an option to add some decorations to your willow star which you can take away.
Clay face woodland spirits – D.I.Y. Kids
10.30pm-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Create your own woodland spirt using the natural flora and fauna and a sprinkle of green magic
East Sussex School of Circus Arts – Renato & Team
10.30am-12.00pm – under parachute and outside.
All ages – Max 30+
Last chance to meet Renato Pires and his amazing team at ESSCA to begin or continue with special circus skills
for anyone who would like to learn, from Juggling, Manipulation and Balancing, suitable for all ages.
Come and join the incredible East Sussex School of Circus Arts before their final show!
Lavender sleep potion bags – D.I.Y. Kids
10.30am-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Final chance to make a little lavender cloud to pop under your pillow for sweet dream
Plaster Impressions – Rose
10.30am-12.00pm in the Messy Tent
All ages (under 8 need to be accompanied by an adult) – Max 16x
Final chance to enjoy an intriguing process of casting in plaster: capturing textures and impression of shells
and leaves etc... Resulting in everyone having their own beautiful plaster plaque or little frame to take home.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Wonderweeds – Claire
10.30am-12.00pm in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Weeds are Amazing! Drop in for a weed inspired craft session!
Pebble Decorating – Liz
12.00pm-1.30pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Paint a pebble, with acrylic paint pens, as an animal, a creepy crawly, with a message, or a picture.
Dreamcatchers – D.I.Y. Kids
12.00pm-1.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Final opportunity to come and learn the art of weaving a dream catcher a Native American tradition to let the
good dreams shine through.
Printing Tote Bags – D.I.Y. Kids
12.00pm-1.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
You are invited for the final time to design and create your own individual tote bag with experimental printing.
1.00pm – outside under the parachute
All ages
Roll up, roll up – Renato and his team create a final special performance in the Kids area. Be
amazed at this award-winning venture and be prepared to be dazzled and delighted at this
spectacle – ESSCA is the only place in the country to be able to get qualified in circus arts.
Is that your future?
Moon Face Pendants
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
Create your own magical moon face pendant charm necklace.
Runic Workshop – D.I.Y. Kids
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
All ages – Max 20+
Final opportunity to create an old Norse runic charm.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Flag Making– Liz
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Make your very own personised flag to wave during the kids parade at 6pm and take home as a creative
Musicadoo - The Music Journey – Alex
1.30pm-3.00pm - Story Tent / Outside
All ages – Max 30+
Music is our universal language; through music all beings are able to communicate from different countries
and cultures, and can be a powerful tool for promoting peace and unity! Every culture, tribe & community has
different types of instruments and ancient musical traditions. With the musical train, children will discover the
instruments of the world travelling on a world map, merging music with geography and history.
LanaLand with Lana Banana
1.30pm-3.00pm in the Story Tent
Under 5s and your families – Max 25+
Don’t miss your last chance to join Lana Banana for some live music with shakers, rainbows, parachute, all
your favourite songs performed on the ukulele and lots of bubbles!
We sing, we dance, we laugh, we play, we bring joy to the world together!
Wild In the Woods Woodland Escapade! - Laura and Indy
1.30pm-3.00pm – meet in Kid’s Area at Meeting Point – walk to woods / Messy Tent
Age 6–12 - Max 20x (Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
A final forage in the woods for some simple whittling around the fire, fire lighting, wild cooking, some natural
crafting and maybe even a game!
Wonderweeds – Claire
1.30am-2.15am in the Wonderweeds Bell Tent
Age 4-8 years. Max x10+ - All children to be supervised
Afternoon Nettle tea and cake with The Wonderweeds
Final drop in and chat!
Smudge sticks and clay smudge dish – D.I.Y. Kids
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 upwards – Max 20+
Last chance to learn how to create a cleansing bundle of nature’s creativity and a clay smudge dish.
Wood block printing – D.I.Y. Kids
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
All ages – Max 20+
Final session of block printing using Indian wood blocks to create patterns onto organic handmade paper to
create a mini paper wall hanging.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Flag Making– Liz
3.00pm-4,30pm in the Messy Tent
Ages 4-12 – Max 15x
Make your very own personised flag to wave during the kids parade at 6pm and take home as a creative
Herts Smiling Drum Circle – Abdul
3.00pm-4.30pm – outside or in Story Tent
All welcome – Max 30+
Join Herts African Drum Circle for the last time at the kid’s area for a heartbeat of energetic drumming,
chanting & dancing. Light instruments, dancing bodies, voices – all welcome. Let Abdul infect you with his
Sew-Fabulous - Susie
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Messy Tent
Age 7 upwards – Max 15x – Must be accompanied by an adult
Join Sew Fabulous one more time for an up-cycled woodland animal tail making workshop
Sew your own animal tail using our deadstock fabrics, textile offcuts and fabric scraps.
All children must be accompanied by a helpful adult foe the duration of the workshop.
Colour Chakra Rave & Soundbath - Alex from Living Balance
3.00pm-4.30pm - outside or in Story Tent
Age 4 upwards - Max 20+ (with parental supervision)
Immerse yourself in a sensory journey at our Colour Chakra Rave and Soundbath.
Dance in synchronicity with the energy of the seven chakras, each represented by distinct colours igniting a
symphony of movement and healing.
Prepare to be sprayed with bright and beautiful coloured powders as you dance.
Then surrender to the ethereal sounds of crystal singing bowls and gongs, guiding you through a restorative
and relaxation soundbath.
Celtic storytelling - Ellie and Rosie
3.00pm-4.30pm in the Fairy Tent
Ages: 4-12 (adults welcome)
Madness and Mysteries’ present their last session of original storytelling and singalong performance inspired
by our Celtic roots. Welcoming young and old, bring your silliest self and immerse yourself into action packed
adventure, music, stories and magic.
Herbal nature bath soaks – D.I.Y. Kids
4.30pm-6.00pm in the Messy Tent
Age 5 Upwards – Max 20+
A little bit of this and a little bit of that, infuse lavender and chamomile to create a natural bath soak.
Morning Mandala Destruction - Mindful Active Meditation - Zlatuse
4.30pm-5.30pm in the wood
All ages welcome Max 20x (Note - U6 must have adult accompanying)
Coming to the full circle of life, we destroy the final mandala from the morning with the message that nothing
is permanent and everything is changing constantly.
Guided active meditation with shamanic drumming and a sound bath.***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Ukulele Workshop – Carla
4.30pm-6.00pm in the Story Tent
Age 5 Upwards – Max 10x
Last chance to learn the Ukulele! This workshop will consist of rhythmic and vocal warm-ups, learning basic
chords, strumming techniques, learning lyrics, and putting it all together to play a song.
Maybe you can play all together in the kids parade at 6pm?
This kid’s area is the creation of:***CHILDRENS PARADE AT 6pm on SUNDAY 25th AUGUST – ALL MEET IN KIDS AREA AT 5.30pm***
Into the Wild Festival 2024
Kid’s Area Workshop Programme
Monday 26th August
10.00am – 12.00am
Rolling activities to help all wind down from the festival
A warm and peaceful onward journey from
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