Getting Involved
We love you to get involved whether it is volunteering, running a stall or a workshop, or applying as a therapist. We will be getting back to applications in the new year.

If you are a great people person, please sign up to join our Information tent. Letting people know about all the amazing things going on at Into the wild. Please send us an email showing your interest to Fiona on the following link: in2wildinfotent@gmail.com

Come and join our great team of stewards, make new friends for life.

Share your magic with the world.

Apply as a therapist in our wonderful Well Being area.

Come and join our onsite crew helping to create a magic festival with a great team over a few days.

Come and run a stall with us...

Join our great first aid team, making sure all is well.

Join us in the inner arena and be part of the vibrant heart of the festival.

Offer your wild creative talents and help create a beautiful nomadic village.

For cottage crafters and wild artists to share their skills, knowledge and inspiration. Please email us details of your crafts x

Share you magic with the kids!

If you would like to come and share your music, poetry or storytelling, send us an email to info@in2wild.com

If you're a professional photographer and would like to work with us, please email info@in2wild.com.